The NRA Defensive Pistol Course will focus on the techniques needed to develop a defensive mindset. The goal of the course will be to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence. As a result of participating in this course, the student will be able to explain and demonstrate the following: How to apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling when carrying a concealed firearm, basic principles of concealment, the difference between cover and concealment, drawing from the holster, levels of mental awareness, developing the proper mindset when using a pistol for personal protection, clearing common stoppages, and more.
The course is designed as a logical follow-up to either the NRA First Steps Pistol course or the NRA Basic Pistol course. A sampling of subjects that will be discussed and practiced are: Principles of concealment, Presenting a firearm from concealment, Confrontation avoidance, Flash sight picture, Reloading under stress, Immediate action drills, and range training.
Course Length: Approximately 4-Hours in the Classroom & 4-Hours on the Range
The following topics will be reviewed in the course:
- The importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and ethically for personal protection
- How the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling are applied to concealed carry
- Basic principles of concealment
- Presenting a pistol - reholster
- Mental awareness
- Mental preparation to develop a defensive mindset for using a pistol for personal protection
- Techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations
- Explain the psychological and physiological changes that may occur during an attack
- Flash sight picture
- Reloading under stress
- Clear common stoppages
- Immediate Action Drills
- Cover and concealment
- Presenting a pistol from concealment and shoot targets at varying distances
(228) 233-6911
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